Forces With History #219--October 12th then and now
--An Update and a look "ahead" in the Korean War
Update re THE FORGOTTEN: The book is still available for preorder, and I understand some are being distributed already. My book launch will be on Saturday, October 12th in the Turnbull Gallery located in the South Surrey Rec Centre, 14601 20th Ave, Surrey, and you’re invited!
A look “ahead” at the Korean War: 73 years before October 12th of this year, the 2nd Battalion Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry (2PPCLI) soldiers depicted in my novel were about to be relieved by 1PPCLI. On October 11th to 12th A and C Companies of 1PPCLI took over from their opposite numbers in the 2nd Battalion.
When brought into the line 1PPCLI wasn’t battle-tested nor had it been trained as much as was the 2nd Battalion before they went into action earlier in the year.
As William Johnston put it in A War of Patrols, “Fortunately for the soldiers of 1 PPCLI, during their first six months in Korea they had both a brigade commander who was determined to keep his units sharp and the example of the veteran 2nd battalion to spur them on.”
And here are the brigadier and the two battalion commanders:
Left to right Lt-Col N. G. Wilson-Smith (1PPCLI), Brigadier John Rockingham, and Lt-Col James R. Stone, the tough and very experienced CO of 2PPCLI. (photo NAC PA 133399)
Those battle-tested soldiers in 2PPCLI, including Charlie Black of THE FORGOTTEN, wouldn’t have hesitated to pass on lessons they’d learned the hard way. It would make for interesting conversations.
Great newsletter this month Bob, and a great tie in to your launch. Well, done. Looking forward to seeing you Saturday!